Prosperity - a state of Mind and Soul

The Mind that attracts Prosperity

“It is only apparent that man wishes himself wealth, health, and good fortune. If he could observe and know his inner self, he would hear within an almost constant chant of negativity, like a prayer of misfortune composed of worries, sick images, and the expectation of terrible events, both probable and improbable”.


-The School For Gods

I had a lot of struggles in the matter of Prosperity in my Life. I have always believed that love is the most important thing, as Prosperity is separate from love. Divorced.

I was striving for love but not Prosperity. I could not grasp the concept. I didn’t even care. Then, I became a single mother, and my priorities had to change.

I had to start thinking about Prosperity differently. I was in crisis.

My responsibilities and the desperation that my Life was doomed led me to a new way of thinking and the teachings of my mentors and gurus.

I found the definition of Prosperity that made total sense for me and my Life.

Prosperity is a state of Mind in which one experiences happiness and peace within and about Oneself.

And this was brilliant for me!

Prosperity, often misconstrued (and not only by me) as merely a financial state, is akin to a lush, verdant garden. It flourishes not just with greenbacks but with joy, health, and fulfilling relationships. Picture it as a state of being where your cup overflows, not just with material resources but with intangible riches: creativity, love, health, and inner peace.

Experiencing one of these elements without the others is not true Prosperity.

The mind must experience wealth in all areas of Life.

To have a mental attitude that works for financial Prosperity, we should think of ourselves as also being prosperous in peace, love, wisdom, health, etc.,

Only then does the mind COMPLETELY accept the abundance that Life has to offer.

If we feel impoverished in love, the thinking in that area of the mind will spill over into other areas.

So, what is the right Mental Attitude to attract Prosperity?

The right Mental Attitude is one of Continual Expectancy, a state of Mind that is ALWAYS open to new ideas, inspirations, and Intuition flowing from the Higher Mind within us.

In this State of Mind, we are at Peace knowing that our Higher Self is the True Source. Through that peace, the mind is made clear with new inspiration, leading to greater Prosperity.

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Along with being a State of Mind, Prosperity is also a State of Soul.

When we are filled with the Presence of our Higher Mind (through meditation or other techniques), this State of Oneness enforces the conscious state of Mind and Mental attitude.

In this State of Soul, you are confident, knowing that you possess a MYSTICAL MAGIC- the Inner Presence of the Higher Self, God, Universe, or any other name you want to give to this Higher Power, working for your Prosperity each and every day.

When viewed through the lens of metaphysics, Prosperity isn't something we 'do' but something we 'allow.” Our Higher Self knows the path to abundance in its infinite wisdom and connection to the universal source.

Unfortunately, in the times we live, we are experiencing some States of Mind and Soul that do not align with our Divine nature of being in Prosperity.

Here are some ideas on what we can do to have a Mind that attracts Prosperity.

The Fall from Cosmic Grace: Humanity, in its pursuit of materialism and ego-driven desires, has experienced what I call “Cosmic Abandonment. This is the perceived disconnection from our Higher Self and the universal source of abundance. We've forgotten our divine heritage, believing Prosperity is something to be fought for rather than a natural state of being.

Reconnecting with the Universal Source: To reclaim our birthright of Prosperity, we must reforge our bond with the Higher Self. This involves transcending the ego, embracing stillness, and listening to the subtle whispers of our inner being. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and introspection are keys to this sacred reconnection.

Balancing the Energies: Prosperity flourishes in the harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies. The masculine energy, characterized by action, structure, and logic, must intertwine gracefully with the feminine energy, which embodies Intuition, creativity, and nurturing.

Knowing When to Lead and When to Follow: In our quest for Prosperity, understanding when to exert masculine energy (taking action, making decisions) and when to embrace feminine energy (allowing, receiving, nurturing) is crucial. It's not a battle of dominance but a synergistic dance where each energy knows when to lead and when to follow.

The Power of Intuition and Action: Prosperity is a delicate blend of Intuition (a gift of the feminine) and action (a strength of the masculine). Our Higher Self, embodying both energies, guides us to act when necessary and be still when required. It’s about trusting this inner guidance and understanding that sometimes, the most potent action is in non-action, allowing the universe to manifest its magic.

Closing Thoughts

As you embark on this journey, remember it’s not just about amassing wealth but about nurturing a state of mind and a way of being that attracts and sustains abundance.

“A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings.”

–James Allen

Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"

🔗 Useful Links & Resources

Download the “Activate Your Super Self If you haven’t done so yet.

✍️ Reflective Prompt

Begin by reflecting on your understanding of the Higher Self. How do you perceive this transcendent aspect of your being? Do you feel connected to it in your daily Life? Consider moments when you might have experienced guidance or Intuition that felt beyond your ordinary thinking.

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Anastasia & the against Fixed Ideas Team

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