The Spiritual Roots of Our Deepest Fears

The ache of cosmic separation is the universe's love song sung in the silent spaces between stars beckoning us home -


Note from me: This topic is very personal to me. During my younger years, I struggled with feelings of anger towards God (or the Universe) as I felt abandoned and punished for being sent to Earth. I had vivid memories of my Divine life on the other side, which made it even more difficult to accept my earthly existence. I will share more about my experience in the future.

The vast expanse of the cosmos, with its infinite galaxies and unknown territories, has always held a magnetic allure for humanity (and me). While science seeks to unravel the mysteries of the universe, spirituality delves into our inner world, exploring how cosmic forces shape our emotions, thoughts, and fears.

Central to this spiritual exploration is the idea of Cosmic Abandonment, a profound sense that we are alone, isolated, and yearn for connection.

The concept of Cosmic Abandonment transcends mere feelings of loneliness or detachment; it represents a profound existential disconnection, a spiritual orphaning that can profoundly influence our psyche.

 Understanding Cosmic Abandonment

At its core, Cosmic Abandonment is the spiritual sense of being estranged from the Source, whether we understand that Source as God, the universe, or an overarching cosmic consciousness. This feeling isn't about being physically abandoned but is an existential disconnection from the divine.

How Cosmic Abandonment Shapes Our Reality

  1. Deep-seated Fears: The fear of abandonment is a foundational human anxiety. Spiritually, extrapolating to the cosmic level translates to a fear of existential insignificance. We wonder if our lives have meaning if our actions matter, and if there's a greater purpose to our existence.

  2. A desire for Connection: Stemming from this feeling of abandonment is an intense desire to reconnect, to find our place in the cosmic order. This manifests in our relentless pursuit of relationships, communities, and spiritual practices. We yearn to bridge the chasm we feel inside.

  3. Existential Anxiety: Many of our anxieties, depressions, and existential crises can be traced back to this profound sense of being cosmically adrift. Without a clear understanding or connection to the Source, we often feel lost, leading to mental and emotional upheavals.

  4. Search for Purpose: One of the ramifications of feeling abandoned on a cosmic level is the relentless resource purpose. We turn to religion, philosophy, art, and myriad other avenues to find meaning, hoping to anchor ourselves in something bigger than our fleeting existence.

  5. Manifestation of Social Issues: On a broader scale, this spiritual disconnection can lead to societal problems. Feeling adrift, individuals might engage in aggressive behaviors, seeking to assert their presence in a world where they feel invisible. Others might withdraw, nurturing addictions or indulging in escapism.

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Decoding the Essence of Cosmic Abandonment

Beyond the conventional understanding, Cosmic Abandonment might be seen as a resonance of a more profound truth: that the universe, in its vastness, reflects the myriad potentials and paths of human experience. We aren't "abandoned" but are, in essence, on a journey of self-discovery amidst infinite possibilities.

Embracing the Journey

Instead of viewing Cosmic Abandonment as a spiritual dilemma, we can see it as an invitation—a call to innovate, explore, and forge newer connections with the universe in ways our ancestors might never have imagined. In the dance of atoms, the swirl of galaxies, and the rhythm of our thoughts, we are, and always have been, one with the cosmos.

🪐 Reconnecting with the Source

Imagine, just for a moment, that our universe is a vast, intricate tapestry woven with threads of light and shadow, love and longing. Each thread tells a story, and at the center of this cosmic weave, there's an ancient, primordial separation—a feeling many of us have come to understand as Cosmic Abandonment.

Do you ever feel that void? That gnawing sense deep within that there's something... more. An intangible force or entity we've been parted from. This feeling isn't mere whimsy; it's a deep-rooted echo of a time when our souls were intimately connected with the Source, or what many might call God.

Now, cast your mind to everyday life. The subtle ways this feeling of detachment manifests: the inexplicable loneliness amidst a crowd, the longing in moments of stillness, or the sensation of being adrift in a vast ocean, desperately seeking an anchor. It’s easy to ignore this void in a world teeming with distractions. And yet, it sneaks into our daily actions and decisions, influencing our relationships, self-worth, and perceptions of reality. Ignorance of this profound disconnect can shape our lives in ways we might never fully realize.

But what if there's a way to bridge this divide? What if we could rekindle that cosmic connection?

Feel with me now, the gentle tug at your heart, beckoning you towards wholeness. Picture a golden thread connecting you directly to the cosmos. It's always been there, merely waiting for recognition.

👉Imagine, just for a moment, that our universe is a vast, intricate tapestry woven with threads of light and shadow, love and longing. Each thread tells a story, and at the center of this cosmic weave, there's an ancient, primordial separation—a feeling many of us have come to understand as Cosmic Abandonment.

Do you ever feel that void? That gnawing sense deep within that there's something... more. An intangible force or entity we've been parted from. This feeling isn't mere whimsy; it's a deep-rooted echo of a time when our souls were intimately connected with the Source, or what many might call God.

👉Now, cast your mind to everyday life. The subtle ways this feeling of detachment manifests: the inexplicable loneliness amidst a crowd, the longing in moments of stillness, or the sensation of being adrift in a vast ocean, desperately seeking an anchor.

It's easy to ignore this void in a world teeming with distractions. And yet, it sneaks into our daily actions and decisions, influencing our relationships, self-worth, and perceptions of reality. Ignorance of this profound disconnect can shape our lives in ways we might never fully realize.

But what if there's a way to bridge this divide? What if we could rekindle that cosmic connection?

🩷 Feel with me now, the gentle tug at your heart, beckoning you towards wholeness. Picture a golden thread connecting you directly to the cosmos. It's always been there, merely waiting for recognition.

We must first acknowledge our separation to feel whole and truly belong. Embrace it. Let it wash over you, not as a torrent of despair but as a cascade of potential. Recognizing our yearning is the first step towards healing.

🧘🏼‍♀️Next, weave moments of stillness into your daily life. Whether through meditation, a solitary walk in nature, or losing yourself in the melodies of music, find that space where you can reach out to the Source. Listen closely, and you might hear it whispering back.

💃 Your journey doesn't stop there. Surround yourself with souls who recognize and understand your quest. ShSourceories, experiences, and dreams. Build a community where everyone is a beacon of light, guiding others back to the Source.

Know this: Ignorance might veil our path but cannot sever our connection to the cosmos. We are, and have always been, a part of a vast, wondrous whole. Our every heartbeat, every breath, every thought is a testament to our eternal bond with the Source.

In this dance of existence, let your steps be purposeful. Reach out, and let the universe reach back. For in the embrace of the cosmos, we find our true home, our true Self, and the balm for the ancient wound of Cosmic Abandonment. 🌌🌟

“Whatever men normally perceive as difficulty and misfortune, whatever they curse and try to avoid at all costs, is actually the most precious material for transforming their psychology of death into a psychology of life. Life through this world is a School for Gods. Confusion, doubt, chaos, crisis, anger, despair and pain are all propitious conditions for growth”. 


Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"

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Anastasia & the against Fxed Ideas Team

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