A Deep Dive into Cosmic Indifference and Empowerment

Even though the universe doesn't care enough to give you what you want, it doesn't care enough to stop you from having it either so embrace this anarchy ,and take those things for yourself.If you want to be awesome in this life , do awesome things”

Johnny B. Truant


The notion "The Universe Has Your Back" has gained significant traction in the self-help world and the media. It resonates with many because it offers a comforting perspective, suggesting a benevolent, supportive force in the universe that guides and aids us. But what does this truly mean, and what are the implications for personal growth and self-awareness?

The universe, in its vast expanse, is indifferent. It doesn't have feelings, emotions, intentions, or biases. This notion—that the universe doesn't care about us personally—has been expounded upon by many philosophers and thinkers throughout history.

Far from being a source of existential dread, this notion can be a beacon of empowerment and self-growth when we fully embrace it. In the tapestry of cosmic indifference, the threads of self-importance and victim mentality often become tangled, obscuring the enriching patterns underneath. We can weave a more empowering narrative for ourselves by deconstructing these common yet limiting beliefs.

Understanding the universe's impersonality might be essential for our own growth.

Natural Laws and Cosmic Indifference

The universe operates on principles and laws that remain indifferent to individual whims or desires. Universal principles don't pander to personal beliefs; they operate with stoic consistency. Whether it's the force of gravity or the metaphysical consequences of our actions, these laws are non-negotiable, impersonal, and absolute.

The universe enforces these laws without regard for individual desires, ambitions, or emotions. If you jump off a cliff, gravity will pull you down, irrespective of your intentions or beliefs. Similarly, when we act in ways that are harmful or against these laws, we face consequences, not because the universe is punishing us but because of the cause-and-effect nature of existence.

Personal Responsibility

Understanding that the universe doesn't care about our personal woes, successes, or ambitions can initially sound bleak. But this realization can be incredibly liberating. If the universe isn't personally out to get us, then we can't play the victim. We are in control of our actions, and the consequences we face are often the results of those actions.

By embracing this philosophy, we take full responsibility for our lives. There's no external entity to blame, no cosmic force trying to hinder our progress. Our destiny is in our hands, shaped by our choices and actions.

Having said that, I have to underline the fact that right now, humanity IS NOT creating its own reality for the very simple reason that the 99% is not present.

The attention span, dedication, discipline, and understanding are very low.

Ego and inflated self-importance

Believing that the universe has a personal vendetta or is looking out for us can stem from an inflated sense of self-importance. This perspective, when unchecked, can lead to egocentrism, where one feels the world revolves around them.

Self-importance is the overinflated belief in one's centrality in the universe's grand scheme. It's easy to fall into this trap, believing that our desires, ambitions, and fears hold universal significance.

Holding onto self-importance amplifies our suffering. If we view every challenge or setback as a cosmic slight due to our self-perceived importance, we're bound to feel betrayed, frustrated, and disappointed.

An inflated ego can hinder genuine manifestation. Believing that the universe owes us because of our perceived significance (or good deeds) blinds us to the true alignment and effort required to manifest our desires.

At the same moment, the statement "You are the center of your universe" is true, but not in an egocentric way.

Every individual experiences the universe from their unique vantage point. While you're not the physical center of the universe, your perception of reality, experiences, and emotions are central to your understanding of existence. Recognizing this subjective centrality can lead to deeper introspection and personal growth.

Shedding Victim Mentality

At the other end of the spectrum, victim mentality positions us as helpless entities, forever at the universe's whims. While everyone faces adversity, clinging to a victim narrative can be self-defeating.

Victimhood can become a comfort zone, a default setting where external forces get the blame for personal misfortunes. But when we consider the universe's indifferent nature, this narrative crumbles. Challenges aren't personal vendettas; they are inevitable facets of evolution and personal responsibility. By shedding this mentality, one gains a renewed sense of agency.

Victim mentality fosters feelings of powerlessness, undermining personal growth and potential.

I will dedicate an entire newsletter to the topic of victim mentality.

OUR MISSION: Create Sovereign Humans with a toolbox of techniques and guidance to gain control over your choices and actions, leading to desired outcomes.

Manifestation in an Indifferent Universe

In a universe that neither cheers for our victories nor revels in our defeats, how do we manifest our desires?

The key lies in shifting perspective. Instead of viewing the universe as a personal ally or adversary, recognize it as a neutral playground. Harness its laws, understand its workings, and align personal energies accordingly. Manifestation then becomes less about cosmic favor and more about personal alignment and action.

The Opportunity

  1. Authentic Self-Worth: By understanding our true position in the grand cosmic scheme, we develop a genuine, grounded sense of self-worth that isn’t reliant on external validations.

  2. Proactive Life Stance: Freed from the bonds of ego and victimhood, we become proactive creators of our destinies, understanding that our choices matter deeply, even if the universe doesn’t personally weigh in.

  3. Limitless Potential: With the universe as a neutral backdrop, our potential is defined not by cosmic intentions but by personal aspirations, effort, and alignment.

🔥What to do instead:

  • Mindful Positivity: While optimism is crucial, blind positivity can create a disconnect from reality. Balancing hope with grounded action ensures a life in eudaimonia (flourishing).

  • Neutrality as an Asset:

    An unbiased universe is like a blank canvas. It doesn’t dictate the art; the artist does. You are the artist of your life.

    The Delicate Dance of Detachment:

  • Once an intention is set and action is taken, allow the universe to respond. Over-fixation can breed desperation and repel desires.

    While the universe is neutral, it responds to energy. Engage in a dance of co-creation, harmonizing your energy with universal laws.

  • Flexibility allows navigation through life's unpredictability. Adapt and evolve with experiences.

Desire with Gratitude:

  • While aspirations drive us, it's vital to appreciate the present. Gratitude aligns us with positive vibrational frequencies.

  • While you might desire something, remain open to the universe delivering something even better.

Embrace the Full Spectrum of Emotions:

It's okay to feel down, frustrated, or anxious. Trusting the universe doesn't mean avoiding these emotions but processing them healthily and moving forward with renewed faith.

Natural Law:

All philosophers delve deep into the concept of natural law – the universal, non-man-made, binding, and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior. In this context, the universe indeed "has your back" if you live in harmony with natural law, reaping positive consequences. Conversely, living in opposition to these laws will lead to negative consequences, irrespective of one's beliefs.


A higher state of awareness can lead to understanding and living in harmony with natural law. Thus, the universe "having your back" might be contingent upon the level of consciousness and understanding one possesses.

Closing Thoughts

The universe operates without personal favor, yet provides an exceptional chance for co-creation. If we comprehend and follow natural law, take personal responsibility, and elevate our consciousness, the universe responds favorably. However, the universe doesn't intervene on a personal level based on mere wishful thinking, even though it can be perceived as supportive when these principles are aligned.

«Living strategically is the action of a warrior who intentionally and flawlessly performs the acts that the situation requires. Externally he responds to the need of the role… at the same time, internally, he takes possession of the responsibility and power that hides behind that mask. Only those who live strategically can make it!»


Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"

🔗 Useful Links & Resources

Download the “Activate Your Super Self If you haven’t done so yet.

✍️ Reflective Prompt

Think about a time when you felt the universe was guiding or supporting you. Was this genuinely an external guidance, or could it have been the result of your own choices and actions aligning with your values and understanding?

🔄 Share & Encourage Others

If this edition resonated with you, please consider sharing it with friends and family. In a world of constant noise, let's spread the message of introspection, curiosity, and the courage to question and achieve our potential. Challenge someone you know to rethink a belief today!

At AGAINST FIXED IDEAS, we believe in real, measurable impact. We understand that your time is valuable, so our newsletter is designed to provide tangible results you can see and feel in your business, everyday life, mental strength, and finances.

See you next week

Anastasia & the against Fxed Ideas Team

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