✨ Unfolding 2024: Embrace Your Extraordinary Journey 🚀

Dive into the New Year with Wonder, Not Wishes - Your Adventure Awaits!

“I close my eyes to old ends.

And open my heart to new begginings”.


-Nick Frederickson

Last night, it was Christmas Eve. 🎄

We had karaoke!!! 🎤 It was a blessed day because all my family was together again, and there was so much fun, laughter, and flow.

And I had a flash of realization. Life is just moments. And these moments can stay with us for eternity. We keep them warm in our hearts and nourish them with our love.

We spend our lives to have things, but that’s not even true.

We are craving and doing everything for how these things make us feel.

We want the feelings. 🩷

And even though the most important things in our lives are not things, there is an aspect that we always have to keep in mind.

Everything is important. The material, the spiritual, the connections, the relationships, the adventure, everything!

As the final pages of 2023 gently turn, we stand at the precipice of a new year, not with lists of resolutions or rigid goals but with open hearts and curious minds. This message is a celebration of you - your resilience, your growth, and the infinite possibilities that await in the year ahead.

OUR MISSION: Create Sovereign Humans with a toolbox of techniques and guidance to gain control over your choices and actions, leading to desired outcomes.

🔮 The Magic of the Present Moment

If there's one thing to carry into 2024, let it be the power of now. The present moment is a cauldron of potential where the magic of change and growth happens. Embrace each moment as it comes, not as a step towards a goal, but as a complete and beautiful experience in itself.

🌊 Riding the Waves of Change Life is an ocean; each wave is a new experience. Some waves will lift you high; others may challenge your balance. As you enter the new year, remember you are the masterful surfer of these waves. Trust in your ability to ride them with grace and agility.

🎆 Celebrating Your Unique Journey As you step into 2024, do so with a celebration of your uniqueness. Your path doesn't need to look like anyone else's. It's woven from your individual experiences, dreams, and insights. Revel in that uniqueness; it's your greatest strength.

🌟 A Parting Thought: Embracing the Mystery Finally, as we bid adieu to 2023, let's embrace the mystery of what's to come. The new year is a blank canvas, not to be filled with rigid plans, but to be painted with the vibrant colors of your experiences, one stroke at a time.

You are poised at the threshold of an exciting new chapter. Walk into it not with a checklist but with an open heart and an adventurous spirit. The best is yet to come.

Closing Thoughts

As this year closes its final chapter, let's take a moment to acknowledge the strength and resilience you've demonstrated. You've navigated this year not just as a participant but as a creator of your own experience. As we edge closer to 2024, remember you have the power to shape your journey in ways that are both profound and personally rewarding.

  1. Transformational Moments: Reflect on a specific instance from this past year where you felt a shift within yourself. What did this moment reveal about your strength and adaptability?

  2. Embracing the New: Identify something new you explored this year. How did this experience broaden your perspective or enhance your life?

  3. Releasing the Old: Is there a belief or habit you're ready to let go of? Visualize releasing it and the space it creates for new growth.

  4. Envisioning 2024: Picture the year ahead as a journey of your design. What qualities and experiences do you choose to bring into your life? How do these choices reflect your personal power and creativity?

You are equipped with an incredible reservoir of strength, wisdom, and creativity. Use these prompts not just as reflections but as stepping stones to a year where you continue to unfold the most empowered version of yourself. As you embark on this journey, remember it’s not just about amassing wealth but about nurturing a state of mind and a way of being that attracts and sustains abundance.

“Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.”

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"

🔗 Useful Links & Resources

Download the “Activate Your Super Self If you haven’t done so yet.

✍️ Reflective Prompts

  1. Transformational Moments: Reflect on a specific instance from this past year where you felt a shift within yourself. What did this moment reveal about your strength and adaptability?

  2. Growth from Challenges: Consider a challenge you overcame. What inner resources did you tap into? How has this experience expanded your capabilities?

  3. Silence as a Teacher: Recall a time when stillness brought you clarity. What insights emerged from this quietude? How can these insights guide you in the coming year?

  4. Embracing the New: Identify something new you explored this year. How did this experience broaden your perspective or enhance your life?

  5. Releasing the Old: Is there a belief or habit you're ready to let go of? Visualize releasing it and the space it creates for new growth.

  6. Envisioning 2024: Picture the year ahead as a journey of your own design. What qualities and experiences do you choose to bring into your life? How do these choices reflect your personal power and creativity?

🔄 Share & Encourage Others

If this edition resonated with you, please consider sharing it with friends and family. In a world of constant noise, let's spread the message of introspection, curiosity, and the courage to question and achieve our potential. Challenge someone you know to rethink a belief today!

At AGAINST FIXED IDEAS, we believe in real, measurable impact. We understand that your time is valuable, so our newsletter is designed to provide tangible results you can see and feel in your business, everyday life, mental strength, and finances.

See you next week

Anastasia & the against Fixed Ideas Team

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