You are on the path to a new reality

To the Dreamer in me, who urges my dream to heights beyond reason

and deeps beyond emotion, who rules me and compels me to be FREE.


Redefining Boundaries: Rosa Parks' Courageous Stand

Imagine the 1950s, a time of deep-seated racial segregation and discrimination. In Montgomery, Alabama, a courageous woman named Rosa Parks refused to adhere to the fixed idea that her seat at the back of the bus was her rightful place. Her refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger became a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.

Rosa Parks' defiance wasn't just about a bus seat; it was about challenging the notion that certain groups were inferior. Her act sparked a year-long boycott of the bus system and led to the desegregation of public transportation. Rosa Parks' courage opened the door to a new perspective—one where the fixed idea of racial segregation began to crumble.

The Power of Collective Voice

Fixed ideas can thrive when people remain silent. But history has shown that when individuals unite to question these ideas, change is inevitable. Consider the suffragette movement: Women fought tirelessly for the right to vote, defying the fixed idea that their voices held no political value. Their collective efforts paved the way for women's suffrage and reshaped societies around the world.

OUR MISSION: Create Sovereign Humans with a toolbox of techniques and guidance to gain control over your choices and actions, leading to desired outcomes.

Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from

Jodie Foster

Several core beliefs can contribute to suffering in today's world. Here are a few:

1. Perfectionism: The belief that one must be perfect or that others expect perfection can create immense pressure, anxiety, and a fear of failure.

2. Comparison with others: Constantly comparing oneself to others can lead to feelings of inadequacy, resentment, and discontentment.

3. Unworthiness: Believing that one is not good enough or deserving of love, success, or happiness can contribute to low self-esteem, self-sabotage, and depression.

4. Control: The need to control every aspect of life can create stress and frustration, as it's impossible to control every circumstance or other people's actions.

5. Avoiding discomfort: The belief that one should avoid discomfort at all costs can lead to stagnation, lack of growth, and missed opportunities.

6. Entitlement: Believing one is entitled to certain things without effort or responsibility can lead to frustration, unmet expectations, and strained relationships.

7. Self-sacrifice: Constantly putting others' needs ahead of oneself can lead to burnout, resentment, and a lack of self-care.

8. Holding on to the past: Dwelling on past mistakes or regrets can prevent one from moving forward and enjoying the present.

9. Resistance to change: Believing that change is inherently wrong or scary can prevent personal growth, adaptation, and the ability to cope with life's challenges.

10. Lack of self-acceptance: Rejecting certain parts of oneself or trying to be someone else can lead to dissatisfaction, inauthenticity, and a lack of fulfillment.

Overcoming these fixed ideas requires self-awareness, education, reflection, and, often, a willingness to challenge societal norms. As the world evolves, revisiting and revising our beliefs to ensure they align with our evolving understanding of happiness, wealth, and purpose is essential.



Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"


"These are the base elements of who you are. Not perfect. Not trying. Just yourself."- James Victore

Now that you know some beliefs that can keep you stagnant, unhappy, and broke, what?

What is the next step to take and use this knowledge that Is brought up and is now more conscious?

I will be honest and blunt.

You live in a town where everybody works for the local Automobile company.

But you want to be creative. You want to have your own business and create wealth.


Everyone around you goes by the rules of how to be an employee of the local automobile company. (That’s not to say that it is terrible to be an employee. If this is what you want.)

Your chance lies here:

Kindly disregard all the rules getting in the middle of your being, have, or do what will make you happy, successful, healthy, or rich.

Free yourself from following trends or begging for ideas.

Stop asking, “What do they want?” Now, your powerful tool is asking yourself, “What do I have to say?”-James Victore 

As for changing the beliefs above it all goes down to one thing.


Is this another “try to” or “I am going to BE, DO, HAVE” what I want, and I will lead with this purpose in mind?

The tools are here, and the first step is awareness.

One by one, examine where you are standing towards the beliefs above. When you are honest and know your weaknesses, we will start working towards turning them into strengths.

Did you download the ACTIVATE THE SUPER SELF? If you still need to, you can do it here.

The exact steps to start and change everything are in there.

At AGAINST FIXED IDEAS, we believe in real, measurable impact. We understand that your time is valuable, so our newsletter is designed to provide tangible results you can see and feel in your business, everyday life, mental strength, and finances.

See you next week

Anastasia & the against Fxed Ideas Team

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