The reason you can't Manifest

“Observe yourself! Pay attention to your Being!... You will see that everything that is real in your life will remain, and everything which is illusory will leave you forever”

-The School for Gods

Hello trailblazers!

One thing that I know from all these years working with clients is that everybody wants a miracle.

I was there, too. In the age of self-help books, life coaches, and the widely celebrated concept of the "Law of attraction," many individuals expect life to work like a wish-granting factory.

When the magic doesn’t happen, they find themselves puzzled. Why do certain problems never seem to go away despite our intentions and positive affirmations?

Why do some dreams remain elusive, even if we pour our heart and soul into them? Let's delve into why our problems persist and why we sometimes don't manifest our desires.

The road to manifestation often feels dotted with potholes. But what if our traditional understanding of the process is skewed?

What If you know it is not true or at least not the WHOLE truth?

Do affirmations, they say, vision boards, stay positive.

You can continue until you turn blue! Randomly, some things will happen, maybe.

But not the fundamental change you are looking for.

Now, this is a subject that I need a whole book to explain, but today I will explain some very important things here.

🚫 Like attracts like. But what"???

It is common knowledge that the Law of Attraction says that we attract what our dominant thoughts are.

And now there is this dictatorship of positive thinking that creates more problems than it solves.

Because when you cannot think positively, you feel guilt and shame, and your self-esteem vanishes because YOU CANNOT BE A POSITIVE person!

And while I am all about positivity, this is not the one that will solve your problems. Instead, you be realistic, see the truth of your life as it is, and then be optimistic that YOU will make the change that makes all the difference in the world.

OUR MISSION: Create Sovereign Humans with a toolbox of techniques and guidance to gain control over your choices and actions, leading to desired outcomes.

Going back to the dominant thoughts.

Have you tried to have the best thoughts? To be positive? To visualize?

I am sure you did. How did this work for you?

While you were saying, “I am now making $ 10,000 per month, and you visualize it, you affirm it, was there this little annoying voice at the back of your head saying, “Yes sure, you have no money to pay the rent”😱


Not the one you try to impose on yourself. And there is a lot behind it.

When you do affirmations and your dominant thoughts are not in congruence, you start a war inside you.

And then YOU CANNOT MANIFEST anything. Mainly, we are trying to escape. We don’t want to listen to these thoughts that are there to show us the real problem. We prefer to escape, but that doesn’t work well.

Awareness is the first thing you have to start with.

Instead of trying to escape, come and see some of the basic things you can start changing:

1. The Narrative Trap

We tend to tell ourselves the same story over and over about why something isn't possible. This repetitive narrative builds walls that prevent us from seeing opportunities.

Tip: Engage in story-editing. Write down the limiting stories you tell yourself. Then, rewrite them with a positive twist. This exercise can rewire your thought patterns.

2. Over-Valuing Comfort

The comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there. Often, our problems persist because we're unwilling to feel uncomfortable, even if it's for a short period.

Tip: Embrace micro-challenges. These are small tasks that nudge you outside your comfort zone, gradually building your tolerance for discomfort.

3. The Echo Chamber Dilemma

We often surround ourselves with the same type of people, leading to an echo chamber of ideas and affirmations.

Tip: Cultivate a diverse network. Engaging with people from various walks of life can offer new insights and challenge your existing beliefs.

4. Misidentifying Wants vs. Needs

Sometimes, we chase things, thinking we need them when they might be wants, driven by societal pressure.

Tip: Practice the '5 Whys' technique. For every desire, ask yourself "why" five times to drill down to the root cause or motive.

5. Inconsistent Energy Allocation

We might pour energy into manifesting a desire but then direct opposing energy elsewhere, creating a confusing vibrational message.

Tip: Monitor where your energy goes daily. A simple tracking chart can help identify contradictions in your actions and desires.

6. Fear of Rejection

Fear of failure or rejection might be keeping you from taking the necessary steps towards your goals.

Tip: Adopt a 'Rejection Challenge.' Deliberately put yourself in situations where you might be rejected. This practice can desensitize you to fear and build resilience.

7. Cluttered Mind, Cluttered Manifestation

With a barrage of information daily, our minds can get cluttered, making it difficult to focus on manifesting our true desires.

Tip: Dedicate time for mental decluttering. Meditation, digital detoxes, and journaling can help in achieving clarity.

8. Undefined Boundaries

Without clear boundaries, we spread ourselves thin, diverting our energies from what truly matters.

Tip: Start by setting one non-negotiable boundary in your daily routine and expand from there.

9. External Noise Over Intuition

External opinions often drown out our inner voice, making us unsure of our path.

Tip: Engage in 'Intuitive Moments' – dedicated quiet times where you listen to your feelings and instincts without judgment.

10. Rigid Metrics of Success

If we measure success strictly by societal standards, we might overlook our unique journey's value.

Tip: Define your metrics. What does success genuinely mean to you, devoid of external influences?

“I provoke thought, because that is what needs provoking. Humanity seems to hate thinking more than any other activity, and yet that is the activity most needed. I do what I can to force thought along, and I am hated and worse—ignored—for it. That's ultimately acceptable to me, because the work needs to be performed; I can perform it; and I wish to perform it. Let others appreciate it or not as they may; it pleases me to do what I do, so I do it.”

 Robert Peate

Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"


💬 Community Corner

Amazing Soul, I love your feedback and interaction.

Go to our FB group and post about the subject. Ask me anything, and I will help!

Highlighting Community Interactions

We Celebrate the community:

  • Spotlight Stories: Every month, we will spotlight a particularly moving or insightful reader story, giving due credit.

  • Best of Community Corner: We will share snippets or summaries of the most engaging discussions or heartwarming interactions from the past month

  • Shout-outs: We will recognize active members or those who provide valuable insights frequently.

I can’t wait to see your suggestions.

💬 Debate Corner

Question: Do manifestation techniques genuinely influence your outcomes, or are they simply tools for enhancing focus and motivation?

Think about what I wrote about your dominant thought and reflect on that. What does the voice say when you are trying to manifest?

🔗 Useful Links & Resources

Download the “Activate Your Super Self” If you haven’t done so yet.

✍️ Reflective Prompt

Reflect on a recent goal or desire you sought to manifest in your life. How clearly could you visualize or feel the essence of this desire? As you journeyed towards this manifestation, what internal beliefs or external factors felt supportive, and which ones posed barriers? Were there moments of doubt, and how did you navigate them? Consider the strategies or techniques you utilized to align with this goal. Which ones resonated most with you and why? Based on this reflection, identify three enhancements or changes you could make to your manifestation process to better align with your desires in the future.

🔄 Share & Encourage Others

If this edition resonated with you, please consider sharing it with friends and family. In a world of constant noise, let's spread the message of introspection, curiosity, and the courage to question and achieve our potential. Challenge someone you know to rethink a belief today!

At AGAINST FIXED IDEAS, we believe in real, measurable impact. We understand that your time is valuable, so our newsletter is designed to provide tangible results you can see and feel in your business, everyday life, mental strength, and finances.

See you next week

Anastasia & the against Fixed Ideas Team

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