You can suffer silently

Hey, Unfixers!!!!

“To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily.

To not dare is to lose oneself” -

-Soren Kierkegaard

We often hear the phrase, "Don't rock the boat," suggesting that we should not disturb the status quo or cause trouble. But should you be silent, suffer, and blend in?

Say I  if this happened to you more often than you realize. 

It is sneaky. Not direct. Includes FOMO or other fear-based subliminal messages.

It happens when you want to say, do, or Be something different from the “normal” of your “tribe,” this being your family, school, church, work, Business model, artistic expression, or any other expression of the true YOU.

Society demands us to suffer SILENTLY. Don’t be loud with your ideas, expressions, and opinions. Especially if you are going against the grain.

Now that I said it, you probably can recognize it happening more often than not and certainly more often than you are aware of.

Let's talk about the remarkable Kathrine Switzer. Ever heard of her? In 1967, Kathrine dared to do the unthinkable: she became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon as a numbered entry. At a time when women were considered "too fragile" for long-distance running, she rocked the boat, challenging deep-seated stereotypes and prejudices.

You see, life has a funny way of boxing us in – routines, expectations, comfort zones – all of which have a sneaky tendency to take over. We've all been there, feeling like we're running on autopilot, shackled by the very ideas we once embraced. But here's the kicker: the longer we stay in this fixed state, the harder it becomes to break free.

Let's talk about the dark side of this stagnation:

🌑 The Comfort Cage: It's cozy, it's familiar, and it's suffocating. Our comfort zones, while designed to protect us, can quickly turn into cages that prevent us from reaching our full potential. We'll explore why stepping outside these zones is essential for growth.

🌑 The Rut of Routine: Routine isn't inherently bad, but when it becomes a monotonous treadmill, it stifles creativity and innovation. We'll dissect the science behind routine and share ways to inject spontaneity back into your life.

🌑 The Echo Chamber Effect: We're in the era of information overload, yet many of us find ourselves trapped in echo chambers of our own making. Discover how these fixed thought patterns limit our perspective and how we can break free to see the bigger picture.

🌑 Fear of the Unknown: Ah, the classic fear factor. We'll delve into the psychological roots of why we fear change and the steps we can take to embrace the uncertainty that comes with it.

🚫 The Cost of Silence

Being silent when confronted with biases and inequalities or we just need to stand up and say our truth, set the boundaries, and ask what we need can perpetuate these harmful notions. By not speaking up, we often:

  • Stunt Growth: Complacency kills progress.

  • Suppress Values: Our silence can be mistaken for agreement.

  • Compromise Well-being: Not just ours, but that of future generations who will inherit the world (or the families, businesses, and organizations) we shape.

Be Blunt. Be Bold.

Assertiveness is about championing the truth. Let's dive into its significance:

  1. Establishes Respect: Leaders aren't those who stay silent but those who stand up.

  2. Clear Communication: Directness prevents misunderstandings and fosters clarity.

OUR MISSION: Create Sovereign Humans with a toolbox of techniques and guidance to gain control over your choices and actions, leading to desired outcomes.

Have you ever dreamt of being something else from what they told you you are?

Are you secretly wanting to change the very core of your life and scream free your uniqueness?


Switzer's marathon story is one of audacity. She registered under the gender-neutral name "K.V. Switzer" to sidestep the men-only rule. During the race, a race official physically tried to remove her from the course. But with grit and determination, Switzer completed the marathon.

Her defiance brought significant attention to gender inequality in the sporting world. Thanks to her and many like her, by 1972, women were officially allowed to compete in the Boston Marathon.

Switzer's boat-rocking didn’t stop there. She championed for women's marathons to be included in the Olympics, a dream realized in 1984.

💥 Challenge the Status Quo

You don’t need to change the world. Not even the wrongdoings of your community.

But you need to step up and change your own life and face the truth. No one will do it for you.

  1. Stay Informed: Arm yourself with knowledge. Be the expert in your realm of challenge.

  2. Build Alliances: Strength often lies in numbers. Rally supporters.

  3. Prepare for Resistance: Remember, every wave begins with resistance. Embrace it.

🔥 Strategies to Break Out

  1. Find Your Voice: Pen down what irks you about the status of your life. Strategize its disruption.

  2. Practice Speaking Up: Voice concerns in your daily life. Small steps can lead to big changes.

  3. Seek Feedback: Grow with both praise and criticism.

For The Seeker: Questioning Reality

🌌 Paradigm Shift

How can all these help you personally? How can you transform and use something tangible that will bring you a result that can be seen, touched, or felt?

Kathrine’s Lesson: Discover New Frontiers. Just as Switzer did not confine herself to societal norms, seekers should continuously search for new horizons, redefining their boundaries.

Suggestion: Step out of your comfort zone at least once a week. It could be as simple as trying a new dish or as ambitious as learning a new skill.

Quote: "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible." – Arthur C. Clarke

Book: "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho - A tale about seeking one's own path in life.

🎖 For The Leader: Beyond Traditional Leadership

Kathrine’s Lesson: Lead By Example. Switzer led the way for countless women in sports by being the change she wanted to see.

Suggestion: Engage in regular self-reflection. Assess if your actions align with the values you wish to instill in your team.

Quote: "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart." – Eleanor Roosevelt

Book: "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek - Delve into the reason behind successful organizations and their leaders.

💡 For The Entrepreneur: Rethinking Business

Kathrine’s Lesson: Embrace Resistance. Every venture will face challenges. Switzer's resilience against adversity is a lesson in perseverance.

Suggestion: When faced with hurdles, instead of seeing them as setbacks, view them as opportunities to learn and adapt.

Quote: "Fall seven times, stand up eight." – Japanese Proverb

Book: "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries - A guide to modern entrepreneurial principles.

🌪 For The Overwhelmed: Beyond Traditional Self-Help

Kathrine’s Lesson: Endurance. Running a marathon is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Your capacity to endure mentally taxing situations strengthens with practice and mindset shifts.

Suggestion: Prioritize self-care. Taking a moment for yourself can refresh and recharge your mind, enabling you to tackle challenges more effectively.

Quote: "You have within you right now everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you." – Brian Tracy

Book: "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson - A counterintuitive approach to living a good life, focusing on what truly matters.

Closing Thoughts

Don't be content with merely floating; sometimes, you have to make waves to move forward.

To change the nature of events we have to change our vision. One day the material universe will become our masterpiece, the mirror image of our rediscovered will, the perfect materialisation of theArt of Dreaming.


Remember, the road to freedom begins with challenging fixed ideas. Join the movement of those who dare to question, create, and reshape the world by simply asking, "What if?"


💬 Community Corner

Unfixers! We're excited to announce that we have in mind to start the Community Corner! It's more than just a space; it's our digital neighborhood where YOUR voices lead the conversation. Share stories, pose questions, or simply interact with fellow readers.

But I need your help!

Share your opinion and ideas with me.

Where to host it?

FB group?




Please help me to be better with you and our interactions. 😍

My first ideas to start it is with:


  • The Topic of the Week

  • Guest Posts

  • Q&A

Highlighting Community Interactions

We Celebrate the community:

  • Spotlight Stories: Every month, we will spotlight a particularly moving or insightful reader story, giving due credit.

  • Best of Community Corner: We will share snippets or summaries of the most engaging discussions or heartwarming interactions from the past month

  • Shout-outs: We will recognize active members or those who provide valuable insights frequently.

I can’t wait to see your suggestions.

💬 Debate Corner

Question: "Is technology inherently good for society, or are we losing more than we gain?"

As we're surrounded by rapid technological advancements, from AI to bioengineering, it's worth questioning: Are these developments universally beneficial? Or is there a hidden cost we're paying, be it in terms of mental health, societal structures, or even our essential humanity? Share your thoughts, and let's embark on a constructive exploration of diverse viewpoints.

🔗 Useful Links & Resources

Download the “Activate Your Super Self” If you haven’t done so yet.

✍️ Reflective Prompt

"Consider a belief or value you hold close to your heart. Recall the origin of this belief: was it instilled by family, culture, personal experiences, or society? How might your life be different if you held the opposite viewpoint? Spend 15 minutes writing about this alternate reality and the implications it would have on your decisions and relationships."

🔄 Share & Encourage Others

If this edition resonated with you, please consider sharing it with friends and family. In a world of constant noise, let's spread the message of introspection, curiosity, and the courage to question and achieve our potential. Challenge someone you know to rethink a belief today!

At AGAINST FIXED IDEAS, we believe in real, measurable impact. We understand that your time is valuable, so our newsletter is designed to provide tangible results you can see and feel in your business, everyday life, mental strength, and finances.

See you next week

Anastasia & the against Fxed Ideas Team

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